No time i cant even post something so i decided to take the quest guide from Jimbercane thank you so much this guy really rocks visit his blog!
To start this quest, first click on the Map Icon on your Chatbar. After clicking on it, click on the location on your Map called Downtown, and then on the final one called Downtown. After you are there, go down to the Pet Shop, and speak to Ginormous Ridonkulous, and select the option ‘Why Yes! I would!’ After doing this, you will officially start this quest!
The first Clone is in the top left hand corner of the Town Square next to the snowman.
The next Clone is in the top left hand corner of Lake Cazmo next to a tree.
The next Clone is inside the Garage.
The next Clone is in the following location in the Beach:
It is in the top left hand corner of the Beach behind a tree.
The final Clone is in the Space Port.
After finding all of the clones, go back and speak to the main Ginromous Ridonkulous in near the Pet Shop in the Downtown for your reward! Your reward will be, 1. Getting enrolled in a chance for an interview with Ginormous Ridonkulous on his famous upcoming TV Show. 2. Getting some money!